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Conservation Commission Minutes 2012/07/11
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes July 11, 2012
Present: Van Webb, Tim Fleury, Robert Hill, Lela Emery
Absent: Rem Mastin

DES Approval Joshua Trow, 22 West Crt Rd, Sunapee NH Sugar River 130/4
DES Approval David Howland, 56 Ridgewood Rd, Sunapee 113/23
Resubmission of Information by Richard and Elizabeth Katz, 92 Garnet St, Sunapee 128/30
DES Approval Elizabeth and Richard Katz, 92 Garnet St, Sunapee 128/30
DES notice of incomplete application Robert and Sara D’Alelio
DES Approval Town of Sunapee, River Rd, Sunapee 133/88
Permit by Notification 28 Fernwood Pt, South, Sunapee 121/51
DES Request for more information, William McLaughlin & Anne Seger, 58 Birch Pt        RD, Sunapee 0/36/0000 Block 0055
DES Permit by Notification Incompleteness notice for Maryann Henry, 65 Lake Ave Sunapee 133/48
DES Approval Carol/Joseph Maraldo, 8 Hamel Rd, Sunapee, Mt View Lake 148/24

Monitoring Reports for the Town of Sunapee properties by ASLPT have been received and reviewed.

The Sunapee Conservation Commission reviewed all the activity of the Conservation Commission meetings from November 2, 2011 thru May 2012. All minutes were reviewed; motions reread and revote on in order to eliminate any question and to clarify for the record due to confusion of membership and a quorum on past activity.

Lela Emery made the motion we ratify previous votes from Minutes dated 12/7/11 through 5/2/12. Robert Hill seconded the motion. All in favor 4. Opposed 0.
SCC 12/7/11
Tim Fleury made the motion for Van to contact Claremont Savings Bank and make an offer on Lot 4 at Field Stone Hills. Rem Mastin seconded the motion. All in Favor 4, Opposed 0. This parcel offers functional access and enhances the recreation area.

SCC 12/21/11
Robert Hill made the motion to support the Conservation Easement Project on the large parcel in Sunapee. Seconded by Tim Fleury All in favor 6, opposed 0.

SCC 2/1/12
Rem made the motion to accept January meeting minutes with the correction of a name on an application. The name of the applicant should be Anthony Perry. Motion seconded by Tim Fleury All in Favor 5, Opposed 0

Tim Fleury made the motion to accept the minutes for April 4, 2012 with the right of way typo corrected. Robert Hill seconded. All in favor 4, Opposed 0.

Tim Fleury made the motion for the SCC to renew the annual membership with ASLPT for $500.00, funds to come from the membership line of the budget. Seconded by Van Webb. All in favor 4, Opposed 0

Tim Fleury made the motion for the SCC to pay the 2012 dues of $230.00 to the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions. Seconded by Van. All in favor 4, Opposed 0.

Wendell Marsh Project – The SCC discussed the parcels owned by Jolyon Johnson. It is his intention to sell the parcels to the Town, and then for the Town to place a conservation easement on the properties. His sale would be contingent upon the signing of the easement, the sale and the easement signing would be scheduled for the same time. Jolyon has indicated his willingness to make a bargain sale, below what he paid for the property as his contribution to the project. A further discussion was held on other contiguous properties, particularly the piece held by MRT Investments. Possible ways to finance a bigger project were discussed Tim Fleury made the motion to have an appraisal done not to exceed the amount of $3,500 from the CCF on the Johnson parcels one and three of the Wendell Marsh Project. Seconded by Van Webb All in Favor 4, Opposed 0.

Tim Fleury made the motion to approve the expenditure up to and not to exceed $2,000 to ASLPT towards time and research performed on the Johnson/Wendell Marsh Project thus far. Van seconded the Motion. All in favor 4, Opposed 0


Van Webb gave a presentation at a Select Board Meeting on the Wendell Marsh Project. The presentation was well received with great comments, positive feed back and SCC will be keeping the Board updated and informed. The next presentation with history and notes on Sunapee Springs will be given at the Town of Sunapee Water and Sewer Department Meeting.

Van Webb, Tim Fleury and Lela Emery met with Barbara Chalmers on July 11th at Garnet Hill Rd to hike the proposed flagged trail. This trail will be named for Herbert Welsh (1851-1941), who walked from his home in Philadelphia to Sunapee where he built a cottage in Gitchell Cove then he would walk back to Philadelphia in September. He wrote a book about his treks. Barbara will have a crew of 3-4 people clearing the trail with no more than a pair of clippers and maybe the moving of downed debris. The trail to the top of Garnet Hill is marked and was hiked; the suggestion of having the trail pass by some old prize pines was made. The hope was to connect the Herbert Welch trail that continues across Garnet Hill Road to the Sawyer trail will not work due to the size of the wetland needed to be crossed with no way of crossing it. Natural means of an abandoned beaver damn is too soft and the span is too large for a foot bridge. If the connection is to be made the hikers will need to come out to the road and cross the bridge then reenter the property to connect the existing Sawyers Trail. Tim Fleury made the motion to accept the preliminary trail on Garnet Hill-Herbert Welsh Trail-. Robert Hill seconded the motion. All in favor 4, Opposed 0.

All SCC members are encouraged to invite and recruit for new members of the Conservation Commission.